Product Candidate
Preclinical R&D
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
MesenCure for respiratory distress
BonoFill for facial bone deficiencies
BonoFill for treating critical bone defects in the limbs
MesenCure for treating other inflammations and tissue damage
BonoFill for bone augmentation in osteoporosis
Vascularized bone grafts
Soft tissue grafts
Standing at the forefront of regenerative medicine, we harness unparalleled knowledge and innovative technologies to unlock the full potential of therapeutic cells. Our unique technological platform revolutionizes cell therapy and tissue engineering, offering a unique capacity to address a broad spectrum of diseases involving tissue damage and inflammation.

Our cell therapies represent a living pharmacy, capable of deploying multiple therapeutics simultaneously, offering a more comprehensive treatment approach than single-drug therapies.

It takes a village to grow a tissue, and one kind of cell is rarely enough.